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Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Until You Make A Move....

Goethe says that “until one is committed there is hesitancy, a chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless dreams and splendid plans, that the moment one definitely commits oneself providence moves too.” 
This is so true of the woman with the issue blood's life. She was fed up with her current situation and decided to confront the incarnate God once and for all. The moment one commits to an endeavour, heaven moves to aid them.
She was frail, smelly and sickly yet was determined to find the medicine to the disease that had plagued her for twelve years.  In her spirit was the revelation but in the outward was her struggle. Truly, her situation epitomized a tale of two cities. A brief account of her situation is given in the bible where we are told she had a continuous flow. It relates her struggle to overcome the continuous flow of blood which had become a canker. She had spent all her money on physicians but nothing changed.  Unfortunately, years passed and her condition worsened. Society had gagged her with laws but God was waiting for her to make the move in other to receive her break.Blood is life and as long as she kept on bleeding, she was dying slowly. She could have relented but something kept urging her on. This "something" that kept urging her on is within every creation of God. The desire to see ourlives become better is God-given. God never created man to be in dire and so when ever we are caught in such situation, the nature that hates being stifled is aroused.
One day she had the divine information that Jesus was in town. He came to heal, to show the path onto eternal life. Levitical laws or convention could not stop her, neither could the crowd around Jesus stop her.Remember he who has the gold, makes the rules. She had the current information to her healing and nothing was going to stop her. She knew two things will happen- either she receives her healing or remain the same and perhaps die without redemption. This resolve pushed her to demand her healing by any means necessary. Her boldness in the end paid off. She touched Jesus' hem and the blood flow ceased. For the first time in Jesus' live He is heard saying "virtue is gone out of me". She was healed of that which had deprived her of being a full human being.
May be if minor adjustmentS to your character, attitude, perception, prayer life and beliefs were made, you will make the move that will change your life. Too many of us are waiting on providence when their situations demand an urgent approach.
The moment you make up your mind to move towards the desire yo have, heaven will definitely provide you with the tools. When a person is able to identify their purpose in the now, you are given the dynamus to do more than you thought you couldn't.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Divine Information: the Pathway to Liberty (Snippets From "Broken Shackles" my soon to publish book)

“The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary, he wakened morning by morning, he wakened mine ear to hear as the learned. God had opened mine ear and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back.  Isaiah 50:4-5
Moore’s law states that information doubles every eighteen months. Computer geeks will explain that the more micro chips are miniaturized, the more information it is able to carry and this happens every eighteen months. This means anyone who fails to improve upon their level of knowledge every eighteen months will be obsolete. Unfortunately a lot of people place minor significance on the level of information they possess. We are witnessing a major flow of both secular and spiritual information in our times. Daniel prophesied knowledge shall abound in the last days and happening right before our eyes.
The advent of the internet stripped major stakeholders and custodians of information off their titles. The explosion of Social media has led to the democratisation of information. The power information carries is overwhelming, giving the ordinary person the right to question and even overthrow governments they don’t like. The high level of Technological investment is overwhelming and this has affected everything about the everyday person. Via social media platforms, millions of people are connected instantly where strategies and ideas can be shared.
When Adam had information on how to maintain the garden, he had the peace of God. Humanity fell because Adam the custodian of divine information failed to properly train Eve the recipient of what he knew. The question has never been about the information you have but it is about whether if you have the right one.
Why all this talk about the need for divine information? Divine information plays a major role in shaping both the physical and spiritual life of a person. From the days of creation till now, God has not ceased from imparting his thoughts to those who will open up and listen to Him. What we can become, do and gain when we apply the information we receive from the Holy Spirit of God is endless. Divine information comes as a result of the divine knowledge we receive from the word of God. What you know is what you become!
We all went to school to learn facts and individual’s ability to accumulate the facts presented determines how well they fared in the classroom and on their report card. People who normally don’t fare well in school is due to the level they are fascinated with the facts presented. You only finish school to find out that facts can be disproven and in life, there are several education systems.
In order to prosper, we need to feed ourselves constantly with the right information and be fascinated by it. The good news is that believers have access to a superior knowledge that transcends the natural. This knowledge is processed via the power of the Holy Spirit. This allows an individual to be enamoured with God because He reveals the truth a person needs to survive.  

One Step Ahead: Advantage by Advance Knowledge
We are not ignorant of his devices lest the devil should gain advantage over us. Paul’s warning to the Corinthians resonates also into our times. I could go on and on and talk about why we need information more so as believers. Any information an individual possess is what will unmake or make them.  I preach knowing that I give information. This information will serve as the leverage on which people will change their lives. These congregants can overcome the issues and circumstances life brings by believing God is the one that gives insight in any situation.
At the wedding in Cana, Jesus gave a foretaste of what was set to come but none truly grasped why the wine tasted different. How current is the spiritual information you have? And if current how relevant is it to your situation? If not discard it and run to God for the most important one. What the devil seeks to do is to stop you from receiving divine information by feeding you with negative and worldly information. He wants to keep you ignorant of what you can do when you allow the Holy Spirit to feed you with godly information. He makes sure you have excuses for why certain things won’t work. The negligence of divine information releases demonic and recalcitrant knowledge which stifles the flow of God’s power in your live.
Jesus promised He will send us the comforter who will guide and teach us in all manner of the word. This I believe is a reflection of the information we can receive from the Holy Spirit. I am afraid of an individual or a body of Christ who would not seek for the Holy Spirit to guide and teach them. I can confidently say Christendom is teetering to a place where prayer has been replaced with functions and divine directions with projects. Imagine your father when travelling tells you that he has left everything you need with your neighbour. Then it happens that you come to have a need whilst your dad is away. Would you wait till he comes or would you go straight to the neighbour regardless of the bull terrier they might have? This is the state some of us find ourselves.
We know that the Holy Spirit is here to help us but we are too busy doing nothing.  If I were you all meetings will be cancelled, mobile phones, suspend tweeting, and face booking for the meeting of meetings with the Holy Spirit. He has divine truths that are reserved for believers. His duty in these last days is to teach and bring all things to our remembrance. This depicts a scenario where the Holy Spirit is not only teaching and empowering so you can move up the ladder of life but also nourishing us with the best. Our past is something none of us can redeem-our present is a bit shaky due to the struggles of this life but our future is very optimistic. The future is hopeful- hope is not real until faith is applied to the process in order to have the fullness of your heart desire. This is where the teaching, comforting, guiding and the reminding of Godly information by the Holy Spirit is much needed.

Abraham’s daughter:  Bent for 18yrs
She was meant to walk in the covenant God had with her father Abraham but diseases had rendered her impotent. It’s not easy attending church for eighteen years without a miracle. This could either be the word of God was not properly communicated, or the lack of faith on the part of the individual or better still to prove the glory of God. She was a child of Abraham who had not been taught her right to healing.
The traditions of her times stopped her from questioning if there is validity in the title “Jehovah Rapha”.  I find it hard that with this outpouring from God, some churches and even societies still oppress and dehumanize the value of women. Some too teach that every woman to cover their heads as this stops angels from moving among the people of God. The same blood that bought the one preaching also bought the woman. I challenge any woman reading this to begin to seek her true in liberty. The outpouring of the Spirit in the last days is onto all flesh and you are included.
Abraham’s daughter mention here was due to the information she was receiving. Who is preaching what to you? They could be preaching sincerely out of their hearts and yet still not empowering you.
Look at the word you receive into your life everyday and check if it is really working and can be practise. How can someone tell me God is able and I don’t see the ability of God in their lives? When Jesus walked into the synagogue, he carried the essence of divine information. He only told the woman what her rights were and immediately she tapped into it, she received her healing. She only needed to be remembered of who she was. She wasn’t prayed for but just told what she did not know was hers via Abraham; healing.

Bartimaeus: A voice by the road side
Life has the tendency of reducing would-be-great people into nothing. We are not told how Bartimaeus became blind or how he ended up by the roadside begging.  His name was not mentioned as reference to him was through his father Timaeus. It is interesting how we all sometimes find ourselves in a place like this man. He could probably do better but his vision has been taken away either by sickness, a curse or the things he had gotten himself into. He was fed up with being blind and was prepared to do anything in order to see.
Then one day he heard something that made sense to him-Jesus was passing his way. Was this the same Jesus he had heard off? Is he the one that opened the eye of the blind and raised the dead? There was no way Jesus will pass without him requesting healing. Even though some of us receive the word and fail to mix it with faith, Bartimaeus had enough faith to spare. He had spent his entire life dreaming and believing that someday he will see again. He was determined to put into action his faith. This desire was triggered because of the divine information he received.
Then came the hour of reckoning the moment he had awaited all his life. Most of us spend our lives believing God for a breakthrough and never prepare for it. We are caught unawares when the opportunity comes. Zechariah the priest had always prayed for a son but when the Angel came with the confirmation, he doubted. Good or bad information can be cheap depending on what you are looking for. Moses knew only one thing- let my people go and they were let loose into the promise land.
When the day came, Bartimaeus sat strategically in a position where he could locate Jesus. With every fibre of his being he began crying “Jesus son of David have mercy on me”. People began to shout him down but he persisted until he cut across the voices of the masses. Albert Einstein says that great people often encounter mediocre minds! Jesus finally heard him and called out for him. Bartimaeus cast away his old garment confirming that if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, the old is gone, behold his vision is clear. 

Woman with the issue of blood
She was frail, smelly and sickly but was determined to find the answer to the disease that plagued her for twelve years.  In her spirit she had revelation but in the outward was her struggle! A tale of two cities!! A brief account of her situation is given in bible. It relates her struggle to overcome the continuous flow of blood which had become a canker. She had spent all her money on physicians but nothing seemed to have happened.  Unfortunately years passed and her condition worsened. Society had stigmatized her yet God had the solution to her problem. Blood is life and as long as she kept on bleeding, she was dying slowly. She could have relented and given up but something kept urging her on.
Goethe says that “until one is committed there is hesitancy, a chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless dreams and splendid plans, that the moment one definitely commits oneself providence moves too.” This is so true of this woman’s life. She was fed up with her current situation and decided to confront the incarnate God once and for all. The moment one commits, God moves!!
One day she had the divine information that Jesus was in town. He came to heal, to show the path onto eternal life. Levitical laws or convention could not stop her. Remember he who has the gold, makes the rules. She had the current information to her healing and nothing was going to stop her. The end, she was healed of that which had deprived her of being a full human being. For the first time we heard Jesus make this statement “virtue is gone out of me”. May be if minor adjustment to your character, attitude, perception, prayer life and have the boldness to believe that Christ is able, God will come to your aid.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

"Anointing Defined"-Snippets from "Free At Last"(Soon To Publish Book)

“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared onto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:1-4 

Is the anointing in shouting, dancing and being slain in the spirit? Is there a higher connotation to its expressive power? Different people hold different views to what they claim the anointing is. The reality is that one cannot really argue with another’s definition since God can choose to reveal himself in different ways. The power of God has been expressed in diverse forms prior to the coming of Jesus. No single doing of God could claim superiority over the other. The promise to release the Holy Spirit became the final edict on the power of God.

That which was reserved for God and His chosen prophets was released into the lives of one hundred and twenty ordinary people ranging from fishermen, ex-prostitutes to tax collectors. Nevertheless all of them were filled with energy to make the devil think otherwise. With this same authority, the book of Acts represents the single most powerful experience where one could not underestimate the power in the presence of God. People were being healed because they believed whilst others died because they lied to the Holy Spirit. Interestingly, it is the only book that was not finished because the Holy Spirit is still at work.

The prophecy of Joel was witnessed in the days of the disciples and its being enjoyed in our times. The city of Antioch could not but notice that the anointing on Jesus had been transferred to His disciples so much so that they had to call them “Christians”. Their sustenance and continuous flow in the anointing was linked to their relationship to Christ.

The anointing is what enables believers to do and continue in the works of Christ. The anointing therefore is not in a song, a dress or a sermon but in the expression of the power of the Holy Spirit. Anyone is eligible for the anointing to work out the purpose of by God for their lives. The anointing is what makes the difference between the mighty, strong, bold, weak and fearful. This is what characterises the average human being from the one that does extraordinary things for God.

There was no way a shepherd could use a stone to kill a nine feet giant except he possessed the anointing and neither could the sound from a trumpet and a blazing torch instil so much fear in the Midianites except the anointing was at work. Many crave the anointing but lack the discipline and patience to nurture it. When I started in ministry, I thought it was only through praying “hard” as we use to term it in those days that could cause me to receive the anointing.  Experiences over the years have taught me that it takes maturity to move and operate in the anointing. The viability and the performance of the anointing are also relative to the preparedness of the recipient to work hard to protect, preserve and also to increase the wisdom attached to it.

I wonder why many won’t patiently wait on God for Him to prove them worthy of His power but will rather use whatever means to force that which they are not ready for into being. The anointing is here to stay and its part of the package of the promise Jesus made to us. The coming of the Holy Spirit opened our eyes to the possibilities of the strength God truly promised. This is being realised in these days that the Holy Spirit is with us.

Who Can Be Anointed

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.”  Joel 2:28

Who can be anointed? Anyone, willing to do mighty things for the greater glory of God will be the answer. The soldier, businessman, homemaker or kids in college are all eligible. Infact anyone that will give their lives to Jesus can have the anointing. The anointing in itself is generic but works effectively when it is applied in areas such as gifts, talents, abilities and skills. We were chosen for a purpose before birth. However most will die without even touching the call, talent, skill and ability deposited in them.

God has a book written on us with our life’s occurrences already designed. He has left the choice of acceptance with each person. Unfortunately He will never force anyone to accept the challenge but provides glimpses and opportunities for anyone to fall into their calling. He knows the very thing that will bring fulfilment to our lives but has left the onus to search it out with us. Only a few great individuals exist out of the billions on earth because they are audacious enough to question the status quo and follow through to search their destiny out. With most who won’t dare to find and fulfil their destiny, it has never been the lack of ideas or vision but the spirit of sacrifice. Almost everyone talks about the great things they would want to do and infact their plan seems so achievable until you ask them a few years or months later. They come up with excuses like the lack of the right connections, people and opportunities.

We are quick to relinquish our pursuit when faced with opposition and choose the path of least resistance as the easy way out. Easily we align with things that have no connection with lasting legacy. The most difficult time in our walk will be to wait on God. Often times it seems no one cares and the tendency to seek powers from other gods who seem to work faster is tempting.  Nothing is heart-wrenching than to hear a contemporary making it whilst you are still crawling. Oh lets be real! I now really understand why Peter will boldly confront Jesus about what’s in for him after becoming a disciple.

The ugly face of failure is real, the disgracing aura of poverty is debilitating, the nauseating smell of diseases and sickness is weakening, the pangs of rejection and dejection is dehumanizing, the notion of loneliness in the quest for self- discovery is tasking yet it doesn’t hurt when you win. Waiting on God produces within one the rich oil of strength unfathomable to our detractors.

How could David rule for over forty years and never be defeated in any war; except that he had the patience to wait on God. How could Abraham, despite the receipt of the promise of a son wait for twenty- five years; except his experiences with God had produced in him patience? The anointing is not reserved for the servants of God who display it on T.Vs’ and other media but anyone who desire it.

The experience that began in the upper room has not stopped. Barring theological differences and interpretations which are normally based on our limited mind-sets and prejudices, the power is still flowing through the nook and crannies of any life and the only currency needed is availability. Infact I dare not say you don’t have the anointing- you have it but the responsibility of bringing significance to it is what might be lacking.

Samson disclosed the secret of his strength which was irresponsible on his part. He expected to remain the same when he was faced with his enemies but the anointing was gone. Regardless, his hair grew back and so did his strength. If through circumstances you have lost your strength, dream, ability or purpose, know that it will surely grow back. Keep believing for if God gives strength to the weak and increase those who don’t have it, he will hear your cry one of these days.

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