"And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging.And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out,and say,Jesus,thou Son of David,have mercy on me."~Mark 10:47
In our times, to win is to be very wise in what you choose to involve yourself in. The path of life is generously placed before you and what you'll do with it will determine who you'll become. However many unfortunate ones like blind Bartimaeus have found themselves struggling to make meaning our of their predicament. Yet I am a firm believer of the fact that God is still turning bad stories around in our times too. In the same place, Bartimaeus was reduced to a sub-human, there the Lord proved his love. Yours is not as bad as the devil wants you to believe. Its takes revelation to make the difference between where you are right now to where you're destined to go to. Interestingly, revelation from God knows no colour, background or situation but only a prepared Spirit. For there is a Spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty gives him understanding.
What God might cause you to do will not make sense to the natural mind because it cannot receive of the things of the Spirit. In the Spirit of Bartimaeus was the revelation onto freedom yet in his outward was the evidence of his struggle. The only medium through which a person can break free from the shackles of life is through revelation. Bartimaeus caught the revelation that Jesus would be coming his way and wasn't prepared to remain the same. His Story is synonymous with that of the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years and also that of Jabez. Everyone of these identified the need to position or pray strategically in order to change their circumstances. Its really important we catch the revelation on what to do in order to move to the next level.
Bartimaeus' only means of asking for alms became the conduit through which he reached out to Jesus. His voice became the only available tool for his redemption. Many are echoes and not voices in this life. Their words contain no power, wisdom, revelation or conviction for it to be heard. He was so smart in calling out Jesus' name based on the titles the bible had given him. He knew Jesus to be full of mercy, and that he was truly the Son of David.
When he started shouting, many tried to shut him up but let him off when he used the correct codes to reach out to Jesus~ Jesus, thou Son of David have mercy on me. He caught the attention of Jesus only when the right words were used. When Jesus called him, he cast away the old garment in order to embrace the new that was coming his way. Jesus asked him what he wanted to be done for him. Bartimaeus could have asked for money, power and many things people pray for even though they don't need it yet he asked for his sight because with his ability to see, he could get all that he needed to make his life better. Truly he was healed of his blindness after so many years of struggling and was free to exercise his God given ability just like any other human being on earth.
To position yourself strategically is to know where to be at a particular time, the words to say and to whom you have to speak to. With these in mind, plan the next move and decided to go for it. God is waiting on you to make the right move for Him to bless it.