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Monday, 28 January 2013

5MistakesToAvoidInTheNewYear - (5) TalkLessAndListenMore

….let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

I asked my fiancĂ©e what her “new years’’ resolution was and she said to talk less and listen more…guess that lady talks too much…kindly don’t tell her I said that Lol! I pondered on her statement for a while and voila, it dawn on me that most of us never take time to hear instructions in matters that needs attention. Many are really good in talking yet when it comes to listening, they fail big time. (Copy and tweet).

Whenever a person talks to God, they should be aware that He hears and if He does then we ought to develop the mindset of also listening to Him. (Copy and tweet). The Prophet Isaiah reiterate God’s desire to speak back to us when we’ve spoken to him In chapter 50:4- “the Lord hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned”. (Copy and tweet).

Succinctly the Prophet expounds the concept behind why everyone should be prepared to listen more and speak less.  God desire is to grant everyone the tongue of the learned. Why not? When a person spends a lot of time with God, they come out carrying the knowledge of God. (Copy and tweet).  If a person will listen more to the voice of God and talk less, they will be moved from being ignorant of God’s ways into having the mind of Christ operating in them. (Copy and tweet).  You will also be well equipped with deep and workable divine knowledge. (Copy and tweet).

Many at times we carry so much load we forget God has the power to relieve us of it. The only way a person can in God’s power is through working with applied knowledge and heeding instruction. (Copy and tweet). Heeding instructions provide the necessary clarity you need. Talking less and listening more only enhances your ability to relate in tolerance in life. The more you talk without listening, the more you’ll come across as someone who is arrogant and condescending. (Copy and tweet).

By now you and I know that the easiest way to accumulate knowledge and subsequently grow in understanding is dependent on your ability to listen more. Everyone has some knowledge you can add to the one you already have. (Copy and tweet).

Hearing is entirely different from listening. Hearing is a physiological process in which our auditory connections transmit information to the brain through the ears. (Copy and tweet). Listening however is Psychology. It denotes a person deriving an interpretation and understanding from what is being said. (Copy and tweet). This simply means when one listen to God rather than talk all the time, they will have advantage by advance knowledge with what God says.  As per with our opening scripture, learn to be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath. (Copy and tweet).

Talk About it-

A. Why do people tend to talk more and listen less?
B. How do you think a person can change and listen more whilst talking less?

In His Service

J. Akuoko II

Thursday, 24 January 2013

5MistakesToAvoidInTheNewYear - (4) TakingYourselfForGranted

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Gen1/27

Its sometimes baffles me why certain individuals take themselves for granted even when everything speaks of the opposite. (Copy and tweet). Predators are always looking for people who don't take themselves serious to prey on. You ought to come to terms with the fact that God has placed VALUE on you so as not to become a victim but a victor. (Copy and tweet).

Taking yourself for granted is tantamount to you underestimating and discounting the investment of God in your life. (Copy and tweet). Any time you take yourself for granted because of the non existence of certain things the devil wins. (Copy and tweet). Subconsciously many of us have issues we haven't dealt with and its about time you employ the power of God to break free.

Talking to one woman the other day, she made reference to the fact that her ex- husband said she wouldn't amount to anything without him and ever since..... Many of us make permanent decisions out of events that weren't meant to last but were just passing. (Copy and tweet). Many write untold stories and etched them on their hearts and never allow for a change even when everything points to that. (Copy and tweet).

The experience of failing can make you take yourself for granted. This can make you lose your sense of purpose and direction. (Copy and tweet). It can also create a lack of self belief. What really get to me are those who make it seem as if they are the only ones who failed. No one ascends onto the throne of greatness without having a lot of failures. (Copy and tweet). STOP TAKING YOURSELF FOR GRANTED!

If you've noticed, taking yourself for granted has done nothing for you except this- caused many opportunities to go down the bridge of life. (Copy and tweet). God created you in His image and I am sure He knows you were bound to face challenges. However, He has already made provision for you. Yet what is actually stopping you is your inability to accept you are also a somebody. (Copy and tweet).   

Life is a mirror and you only reflect who you are. (Copy and tweet). Have you noticed that people don't take you serious? Why? Simply because you are projecting those negative frequencies and people are only being the mirror. Once we hit the threshold of 31 December and the clock chimed 12am, there was a shift spiritually. (Copy and tweet). God had changed the time and had allowed us to enter the New Year. This means you can no longer holds to that which makes you take yourself for granted.

Talk About it-

A. What makes people take themselves for granted?
B. How can a person deal with the attitude of "taking themselves for granted"?

In His Service

J. Akuoko II

Monday, 21 January 2013

5MistakesToAvoidInTheNewYear - (3) HoldingOntoYourPast

...but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. #Philippians 3/13

The third mistake I believe we ought to do away with is the mistake of holding on to the past. Many never move forward because they find it difficult to let go of what has happened before. It's sad when you talk to a lot of people, they are quick to make references to what has happened before as being the reason why their lives is what it is. (Copy and tweet). However if God didn't believe in your today, He wouldn't have allowed you to cross the threshold of your yesterday. (Copy and tweet).

The challenge for most people is really having the tools to fight the urge of their past. (Copy and tweet). If you focus on your past, you empower the negatives thereof which will eventually affect your present. (Copy and tweet). However, if you reject that negative energy and begin to focus on the future, you empower the possibilities yet unborn to be yours.

The enemy's desire is to hold you accountable for the things that have happened in your past. The weapon of pity and guilt is what he uses. This is the reason why he does everything possible to make sure you never break free from your past. (Copy and tweet). God desire is to free you so you can have the freedom to be upwardly mobile. This is the time to make your move and redeem yourself!

You could have yet you didn't. You should have but you never did. So what do you do now? You thank God for another opportunity and a new day  to start all over again. Mistakes sometimes make living life worthwhile! (Copy and tweet). The best in scientific innovation isn't gotten in an instant. Remember the initial design of the earliest mobile phones?  They came as bricks! Lol! Imagine if the inventors had gotten stuck in their past? They wouldn't have come up with innovative and new ideas for mobile phones. 

What am I taking about? The past should serve as the platform for the future. (Copy and tweet). Anyone who doesn't remember their past is bound to repeat the mistakes thereof. No wonder our opening scripture is very succinct about what an individual should do - forget the past and in so doing look forward to the opportunities ahead.

In conclusion, hope is nebulous yet futuristic. A person who focuses their hope into the future automatically activates the faith they need to move on. It's the New Year and a new day where life is brimming with greatness and opportunities. It's also ready with open arms and I can hear the Spirit beckoning and mentioning your name and saying this is your time! (Copy and tweet).

What past issues keeps rearing its ugly head into your future and how are you dealing with them? Let me know your thoughts.

In His Service

J. Akuoko II

Monday, 14 January 2013

5MistakesToAvoidInTheNewYear - (2) Procrastination

The wise define procrastination as the thief of time….the dictionary defines it as putting off doing something especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness more so to delay or postpone needlessly. (Copy and tweet).Whilst God sees it as a spirit that causes His children to lose sight of His best for them which stops them from coming into fruition subsequently. “One of these days means none of these days” is an old English adage that spells out the doom and gloom awaiting those who never seem to get important and needful things done because of procrastination. (Copy and tweet).

In the field of psychology, procrastination refers to the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of lower priority, or doing something from which one derives enjoyment, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time. (Copy and tweet). Hmmm! Selah!

Life and its challenges are enormous yet the everyday pressing and important things you have to do in order to enhance your life cannot be left at the beck and call of your emotions. (Copy and tweet). One of these days……yes you said so and so did you say the last time but up on till now nothing has been done. One of the most subtle weapons of hell directed at the children of God is PROCRASTINATION. (Copy and tweet). The devil knows if he can stop you from doing that which you are meant to do, then he can stop you from achieving the fullness of your dreams and aspirations you have.

Until you make a move towards doing what has to be done, your life remains the same and like a rat, you will be caught in the same wheel of unproductivity, regret etc and forever remain a rat (Copy and tweet). People who act on their word are progressive people!

Like the slothful in the book of Proverbs 6, he lives his life knowing what to do everyday yet never does any of them. (Copy and tweet). In the absence of action, slumber and sleep and the folding of the arm is what he is left with. This in the end produces nothing but regrets and abject poverty. He is reduced to a pauper and a beggar. 

A few years ago I stopped making “new year resolutions”simply because I realised none of them got satisfied as far as am concern. I saw them as just things I procrastinated on. I have made up my mind to MIND the things that matter first in almost every day I live. (Copy and tweet). Have you notice something about God that He never procrastinates? If He isn’t ready, He doesn’t do anything. (Copy and tweet). When God gets ready, He moves with power and authority to do what has to be done. (Copy and tweet). We have been created in the image of God and it’s about time you learn to do what God does -kill the spirit, attitude and character of procrastination.

I have been afforded the privilege of talking to many who are advanced in age. Those who procrastinated about certain things they ought to do, now live in so much pain and regret and sometimes they end up in jealousy, envy and regret. (Copy and tweet). Those who maximised the moment, eschewed procrastination and did what had to done have joy and laughter oozing freely out of them. (Copy and tweet). **Secret– they have also been financially rewarded!

PrayerFather in the name of Jesus, help me deal withthe attitude and Spirit of procrastination. I commit all that I have to do this year into your hands. I believe the Holy Spirit is in my life to help me be a doer of the ideas you freely give to me. Thank you in Jesus mighty name. Amen!

What are some of the ways one can deal with Procrastination? Letme know your thoughts.

In His Service
J. Akuoko II

Monday, 7 January 2013

5MistakesToAvoidInTheNewYear - (1) Indecision

"Adouble minded person is unstable in all his ways” – James 1:8

You have to decide to decide…..your failure to decide is a decision in itself.(Copy and tweet). It will interest you to know this- that your future is dependent on the decision or indecision you make right now! A person’s indecision in matters that are pertinent is something they will live to regret for a long time to come. Many will testify that their indecision in a lot of matters has impeded their progress. Anyone desiring to be great at some point and inspite of the price to pay decided to decide. I have come across many who clutter their “decision making” abilities with so much and end up being indecisive about everything. They have become Jack of all trades in decision making yet a master of none- “indecisive jackies”. (Copy and tweet).

Life isn't running ahead of you….in reality you make life. (Copy and tweet). How you turn up is as a result of the strategic decisions you make. That is why even if you feel you are late,you ought to take your time and decide on one issue at a time. Decision making is paramount if you are to excel in getting to your intended place of victory.It didn't matter how sinful the world was, God had to take His time and doing so decided on the time Jesus had to be born. Man’s continuous sinning couldn't create an  indecision in the strategic plan of God for our redemption. (Copy and tweet). 

In this New Year, you have to kill off the indecision that has been plaguing you for "yongs". Indecision about the relationship, finance, vision etc has got to be dealt with right now! The issues of life are many yet those who take time and deal with it one at a time through a quality decision making, always get the best results. (Copy and
tweet). Indecision will leave you at the beck and call of anything…you will become a slave to the whim of just anything. (Copy and tweet). 

Deciding grants you to right to the tranquility you need to press ahead. (Copy and tweet). There might be many opportunities right now but when you have a clear cut decision, choose the most appropriate out of the lot to execute. Indecision has nothing but emptiness and regret waiting for you. What must be decided on now shouldn't be left at the mercy of another. You will only live a life of regret, pain and frustration if you are indecisive. What most fail to realise is that indecision has the same amount of power as decision making.

Our opening scripture says its all- an indecisive person is unstable in all their ways. Instability is equated to faithlessness and without faith it is impossible to please God.(Copy and tweet).It’s about time YOU GET RID OF INDECISION…..and begin to make those quality decisions that will impact your life for a long time to come.

What are some of the “indecisions” you have to get rid of ?

In His Service
J. AkuokoII

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