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Monday, 31 March 2014

#10FsForASuccessfulLife - (7) #BeFaithful

"A faithful soul is a sweet smelling fragrance that soothes the life of a dear friend"- JAII

You can never amount to much in life if you don't consciously make an effort to be faithful. Everyone relates to faithful people....they can be relied on in all things. The world glamourises the dog eat dog attitude that only inspires using every evil means to make ends meet. Sometimes the methods employed only leads to unfaithfulness. Sadly, many who took that road have ended up on the wrong side of life. Deep within the soul of every person is a desire to be close to a person who is faithful and vice versa. A faithful soul is a sweet smelling fragrance that soothes the life of a dear friend. Faithfulness is the grace God freely gives to great ones!

Have you ever been betrayed by an unfaithful friend, employee and even siblings who refused to heed all protocol regarding faithfulness? How was the feeling? One of my greatest dislikes in life is disloyalty which I equate to unfaithfulness. I am very careful of those who are unfaithful after they've been trusted with so much. On a personal note, I think I have been a faithful friend to many who needed my help and attention. Faithfulness is a seed that has got to be sown and nurtured overtime for growth. When it's done with the right mindset, great rewards emanates out of it. 

David remained faithful to the anointing of God over King Saul when he refused to kill him when the opportunity arose. Moses was faithful as a servant in God's house according to Hebrews 3:5. God rewards faithful people who endure to the end. Jesus was faithful even when it didn't feel so in the Garden of Gethsemane. Those who stay till the end will receive the crown of everlasting salvation. You too can be faithful in all things and be sure to receive the rewards that come with it. 

To be faithful, here are a few tips:- 

A. Value people and the trust they have in you

B.  Make a conscious effort to be true to your word

C. Learn to be a "sacrificial Lamb" not a "door mat" for the people you care for

D. Pray to God to help you remain faithful even in the face of imminent danger.

Think Aloud:-

Why do you think people struggle to remain faithful?

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

#10FsForASuccessfulLife - (6) #ValueFAMILY

" A strong family bond molds one into a better person" - J Akuoko II

Family is everything! Remember the movie "the Godfather"? Wow, its forever a classic. Family not in the sense of the intricacies that characterised the movie "the Godfather" but that of a healthy unit of loving, caring and well meaning people. My #6thFforASuccessfulLife is placing value on family. I believe without it, many of the gifts, talents and opportunities we are destined for might elude us. Yes one can argue that not all families help nurture a person. Yet I believe the vast majority of people who come from a strong bond of a family stand a great chance of becoming all that God created them to be. 

Our so-called modern society seem to have nearly drawn a wedge between many members of the same family unit. Coupled with the easiness with communication, the gap seem wider. Yet the true bond of love, care and memories that facilitates the growth of families shouldn't be taken for granted. Growing up, my greatest envy was for people who were living with both parents. Though young, I knew that to have a full family unit meant you had protection, security, a person to look up to and the chance of not being poor. 

I don't know what family means to you but personally, I place maximum value on both my external, nuclear and church family. Human beings are our greatest asset and if you don't invest your trust, faith and your best in your family, where else? As children of God's family, we are in a privileged position above all other creation. The love of God is extended to all but certain privileges are for His family members including you and I. To be advised to become part of God's family is the greatest secret to success anyone can give you. Jesus at one point was told his mother and siblings were looking for him. Interestingly, he said those listening to his words were his family. (Luke 8:20-21).  As we go through life, knowing that you have an earthly and heavenly family both with man and God only emboldens and empowers you for the years ahead.

Here are a few reason why you need to #ValueFamily -

A. Family gives a sense of belonging and identity

B. Family is the foundation on which a character is built

C. Family gives security

D. Family is the place we go to when all have rejected us

Think Aloud:-

Why do you think people don't value family? 


Tuesday, 11 March 2014

#10FsForASuccessfulLife - (5) #HaveFORTITUDE

..... be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might... Ephesians 6/10

The irony of life is that whilst we seem to enjoy in some days, other days come with their challenges. The beauty of life is that when we fall we have the chance to rise. (Tweetable?Do It). Living life means one of these days the worst could happen yet it also means you can have the fortitude to overcome it. Ever wondered why certain people bounce back and others not? The secret is the FORTITUDE with which they approach the issues of life.

It's clear we all have a common enemy whose desire is to weaken our resolve in dealing with the everyday challenges in life. (Tweetable?Do It). The good news is that you have been empowered to over it come. Fortitude without even looking it up in the dictionary is exhibited by most of us in the face of challenges. We walk in it almost every day when we face challenges are able to overcome it. I see it as an inner strength built over time. 

If you are going to win and do so successfully in any area of your life, then you need to have fortitude. At any given chance, you are going to be tested...even by the most trusted person or loved one. (Tweetable?Do It). When through mental and emotional strength you face the difficulty, you don't only win in the situation but also become a master over it. The wisdom, patience and understanding gained stays with you forever. 

I have had the privilege of leading my church over a period of time and one thing has always stayed :- having the FORTITUDE to deal with issues when they present themselves. (#Secret- leading people is the most difficult yet rewarding task ever). The above scripture gives one a place of hiding and also of seeking the strength of God. Be strong in your relationship with God and also bask in His power. With God on your side, even when things seems overwhelming, heaven will release a dose of the daily fortitude to you so you can be an overcomer. (Tweetable? Do It)

Look at the brighter side of life and understand this- you were created to have dominion over the issues life presents. Yes we all might have failed once, twice, thrice and sometimes many times. The truth however is that if you will see yourself in a different light and embrace the power you have been freely given by God, you will walk in fortitude and win. Have FORTITUDE for it's your birthright!

To have fortitude:-

A.  Be Patient

B.   Seek the knowledge concerning any issue you face

C.  Walk in the power and might of  God 

D.   Apply the fortitude gained where necessary

Think Aloud :

Why do you think many never overcome issues?


Tuesday, 4 March 2014

#10FsForASuccessfulLife - (4) #BeFEARLESS

For God has not given us the Spirit of Fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. ~ 2Tim1:7

Someone said fear could be - "False Evidence Appearing Real or Face Everything And Run". Interestingly, many have given in to either the first or the second acronym coined out of the word fear. The challenge of most is not knowing that you can be free from the grips of fear all your life. Reverential fear is entirely different from crippling and destructive fear. To revere someone is to show them respect, however to cower in front of issues you were created to overcome is deadly. 

Many walk in fear; Fear of this, fear of that and sadly, they cannot substantiate the reasons with anything tangible.  The enemy is skilled in planting uncalled for seeds of fear when he has the advantage. A few years have I been around and this I know - fearful people don't get much done in their lives. Fear cripples the ability of an individual and until something is done about it, the person remains a slave to it.

Be fearless and never give into any signs of it in your life. Deal with it brutally, because the absence of fear only allows for the expression of creativity, skill and ability with ease. Given the opportunity, which one of the acronyms coined out of fear would you choose? I will go for False Evidence Appearing Real. If truth is to be told, many of the things we are afraid of are false things wanting to appear as a reality. If you dare buy into its reality, fear stays and ossifies. 

Information is what empowers a person's knowledge knowing that knowledge is truly liberating.  The lack of it only leads to further bondage. The greatest information one need in order to deal with fear I believe is God's word. Once you have assurance of what the word says, you will walk in boldness and calmness. God does not send the spirit of fear, it is the devil. This is what God does - He gives the Spirit of power, love and finally of a sound mind.

This means that fear attacks a person on three levels- first, it renders you powerless, second, it kills every fibre of love in you and finally it takes away the peace of God in your life. Being fearless simply depicts the faith a person has in what God says. Perfect love casts away all fear. If you are a child of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, you should #BeFearless!

To deal with fear, I urge you to do this- 

A. Look through your life and identify what you are mostly afraid of. 

B. Ask yourself whether if in spite of what God's word says if that fear is justified? 

C. Finally find a scripture concerning what you are afraid of and tackle it with it. 

Think Aloud :

What do you think stops people from being fearless?


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