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Monday, 13 October 2014

#4FundamentalPillarsForSuccess (1.1) #GIVING - #HowToGive

"For God SO loved the world that He Gave.... #John3/16"

Am sure by now you are quite aware of the steps in giving that yields great fruition. We also understand God initiated the act of giving with by first sacrificing his son. (Tweet).  Giving is a divine lifeline for everyone who will practise it. (Tweet). If you decide to give to others the proceeds of your work, it helps breaks the power of greed and covetousness that has shackled many people. (Tweet). 

Your giving however should be seen as a seed that is being sown for a bountiful harvest. (Tweet).  Don't forget the seeds that fell in the good ground yielded a hundredfold, sixtyfold and thirtyfold blessings or fruits. God has given us several good soils to sow our seeds for fruition.  I am sure deep in your spirit there is a desire to give right and if so, i believe it is my duty to help you give right.


Personally, I don't believe given should be under coercion but rather, giving should be at one's free will.(Tweet). When your giving is under manipulation and falsehood, you receive nothing back. A willing sacrifice is an acceptable sacrifice! (Tweet). 

For the many years I have been in ministry, I have identified six God-commanded places you can give for divine blessings and for the work of God to continue. Your giving isn't about now, it is about the fruits of the future. (Tweet).

To understand #HowToGive, here are Six God-commanded places - 

A. Tithe - because God commands it. Some argue whether we should give 10 per cent or not. Well am not sure why I should argue about tha which works for me. I don't do arguments, I do the word! Leviticus 27:30, Malachi 3:7-10

B. Worship Offering - because the word says you shall not appear before the Lord empty handed. Deuteronomy 16:16 

C. Kingdom Promotion Seed - because it confirms your kingdom mindset. Acts 2:44-47, Luke 8:3

D. Giving To Parents  -  Commanded by the God for #Long live.  Exodus 20:12,  Ephesians 6:2-3, 

E. Giving to the poor  because it yields for you dividends in time to come and also in eternity.  Proverbs 19:17, Job 29:11-12

E. Giving to the Servants of God. Hebrews 5:4, Exodus 30:30

I trust it will help you gauge your giving for maximum blessing as dictated by God. 


Why do you think people find it difficult to #GIVE?

Joe Akuoko II

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

#4FundamentalPillarsForSuccess (1) #GIVING

"For God SO loved the world that He Gave.... #John3/16"

The epitome of all great endeavours has its root in the art and act of giving. (Tweetable?DoIt). God shows us his generosity by giving his only begotten son. God is so much a giver to the point of shedding the blood of his own son. Anyone who gives is emulating God in his expression of love towards man. Until you get to the point where your giving moves you, it will never move God. (Tweetable?DoIt). The spirit and the attitude of giving is important for anyone who desires more. 

More doesn't come a person's way unless more has been given out. You cannot be a giver if you aren't a lover! (Tweetable?DoIt). It takes the spirit of sacrifice for one to let go of something that is theirs to another. Sadly, until you learn how to give, you are not permitted to ask. Those who have answers with regards to A(ask) S(seek) (Knock) are people who are givers. Giving is the stairway to you living a full life.  As you learn to water others you will also be watered. Understand this, whenever giving is in motion, the law of reciprocity is also kick started. (Tweetable?DoIt).

Who has given to God and hasn't been recompensed or what is it that we have that we didn't receive? These are fundamental questions I pose to the one who thinks they got everything they have by dint of their hard work. No and no! Everything we have came out of the generosity of God.  In Acts 20:35, the only words of Jesus not recorded in the synoptic gospel is that "it's more blessed to give than to receive". Meaning, there is a higher blessing reserved for those who are constantly giving. (Tweetable?DoIt)

Your giving takes nothing from you but your giving takes everything from God. When you have a clinched fist, life will mete out to you nothing. (Tweetable?DoIt). A closed hand is inadvertently a closed destiny.  Even nothing produces something called nothing! Whatever you give out comes back as a good measure,pressed down and shaken together which is poured into your bosom by men. I believe your greatest reward is in the art and act of giving.(Tweetable?DoIt). Certain doors to great places won't open unless giving is at the fore.

 Giving is living!(Tweetable?DoIt).


What does #GIVING mean to you?

Joe Akuoko II

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