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Monday, 27 August 2012

“YOU” Series ~ I AM AWARE!!

"God created man in his image…"

A person cannot be aware of his outside when he is unsure of what his inside. The surety of becoming a full person is gleaned from an inward which is serene and without conflict. (Click here and tweet this). The only time people will put value on you is when you've first place value on yourself.

Your significance is not in your now, but in the processes you go through when no one delighted in your talents, skills or abilities. (Click here and tweet this). When you cross the finish line, you have substance. Now you can substantiate your efforts with tangible results and either be a man or woman of substance. Who has despised the day of small beginnings? It is in these small beginnings, that the seeds for your greatness are sown. The seeds of greatness are sown in unknown!

Too many of us give the control of our lives over to others and are angry when we are let down. No way! God created us to take charge and you are only going to succeed when you are AWARE. If you relinquish your power to the next person, you inadvertently give the essence of who you are away. People go to the extent of changing a lot in the outside of their lives through plastic surgery or Botox but lack the power to do so inwardly. Without a solid inside, what happens in the outside of a person is insignificant. (Click here and tweet this).

“I AM AWARE” simply is about accepting that true redemption begins with the self when it’s given over to God. Why walk around with the mindset of what others think or say about them? You are only a prisoner to the way you think and act. (Click here and tweet this). Until your thinking and acting are in sync, it will be difficult to become self-aware. As you mature, the truth that you matter should hit home clearer more now than ever. Without you, none of the visions, dreams or aims you have will ever materialise. I am not talking about self- worship or deification, but an inner awareness of who we you are through Christ. (Click here and tweet this).

Questions: What does being Aware mean to you?
You can leave your comments on the blog!

Yours In His Service

Joe Akuoko II

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